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In the tumult of men and events, solitude was my temptation; now it is my friend. What other satisfaction can be sought once you have confronted History?

Charles DeGaulle

Rich in content, this category contains sites about history, including information about American history, ancient history, European history, and more. Learn more about the past that has brought us where we are today.

American History

African American History

A page devoted to the history of African Americans, with text and documents relating to Buffalo soldiers, the history of slavery in the United States, African American scientists, writers, musicians, and much more. Links to related sites.

American and British History Resources

Provides a large archive of links to material concerning American and British history. Offers maps, online books and essays by such people as Francis Bacon, Samuel Johnson, John Locke, William Penn, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson.

American Civil War Home Page

A gateway to numerous civil-war related sites, including timelines, letters, graphic images, specific battles and much more. A must for Civil War enthusiasts.

American Civilization Internet Resources

An immense compilation of links concerning American studies, from revolutionary war topics to current history.

American History

A massive series of links to all major periods of American history, each with additional links. A wonderful starting point for related searches.

American Memory

Contains collections of American culture and history, mostly derived from Library of Congress special collections. Photographic panoramas, sound files, movies, photos and documents can be found in abundance.

The American Revolution and the Struggle for Independence

Presents American history, from the colonial period until World War I. Contains many images and accompanying historical descriptions. Has links to a large number of historical sources.

Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898–1935

Focuses on presenting information and literature about the anti-imperialist movement in the United States, including several documents penned by Mark Twain. Focuses on the period 1898–1935 and provides numerous links to texts by people and organizations active at that time in the movement. Provides backgrounds for different pieces.

Indiana Historical Society

Nonprofit membership organization. Collects, preserves, and promotes the history of Indiana. Features information on the Society's collections, exhibitions, publications, and numerous other activities.

Isis:Our Story

A net page devoted to African American women and their achievements. Interesting and little-known facts, documents, and images. Links to related sites.

Life Histories-American Memory Project

Presents a collection of life histories sponsored by the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress and written for the United States Works Progress Administration's Federal Writer's Project between 1936 and 1940. Includes 2,900 documents that represent the work of more than 300 writers from 24 states. Enables you to access these documents by various search means, including by region or state.

Oregon—World War II Farming

Exhibits "Fighters on the Farm Front: Oregon's Emergency Farm Labor Service, 1943—1947," which includes more than 60 images and printed documents.

United States—History


Contains texts of historically significant United States documents, including the Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, Monroe Doctrine, W.W.II surrenders of Germany and Japan, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, and more.

Ancient History


Provides information concerning the ancient Near East including information and pictures about specific sites, museum exhibits, journals, and so forth. Provides a number of resources to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, including architectural information and texts.

Akkadian Language (Babylonian and Assyrian Cuneiform Texts)

Contains an introduction to the culture and history of ancient Mesopotamia, including documents in cuneiform and transliterations. Discusses grammar of Akkadian and Semitic languages and contains links to many related sites.

Alexandria, Egypt

Provides information about the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria. Includes history, maps, and visitor information.

Ancient City of Athens

Includes many images of the historical sites of Athens, Greece, as well as insights into Greek history. Offers links to other sites concerning Greek history and architecture.

Archaeological Survey in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

A thorough archaeological study of the ancient site of Coptos, providing information about the trans-desert trade routes between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea which linked early Mediterranean civilizations with those of the Indian Ocean between 300 B.C. and A.D. 400.

Assyria On-line

A comprehensive resource to all subjects related to ancient Assyria, including the law code of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Assyro-Babylonian mythology, and links to related sites.

Didaskalia: Home Page

Provides information about ancient dance, drama, and music. Also provides access to Didaskalia itself (a journal on the Greek and Roman theater) and other related Internet sites.

Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World

A resource specifically designed for historical information concerning women in the ancient Mediterranean. Features documents, discussions, images, and links.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures

Not only does this site provide detailed information on eight ancient cultures, it also provides links to other fascinating (and highly specialized) historical Web sites, including the International Museum of the Horse.

Oriental Institute

Provides information about the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute museum and philology projects. Includes information and visual images on ancient Near East regions, through ABZU, an immense database of links. Also includes a new bibliographic reference, "Women in the Ancient Near East."

Perseus Project Home Page

Presents an interactive multimedia database on ancient Greece. Includes ancient texts and information about sites and artifacts. Includes a searchable database for finding coins, vases, and more.


Features interesting topics from Pompeii, including the famed mosaic of the Battle of Issus (between Alexander the Great and Darius) and pictures of the House of Faun, one of the largest and most elegant homes of Pompeii.

Pompeii Forum Project

Includes maps and pictures of the unfortunate (but well-preserved) Roman city of Pompeii. Also serves as a forum for discussions about Pompeii and Roman architecture in general.


ArchNet: Main Menu

Provides links to and information regarding archaeology on the Internet. Includes the following subject areas: archeometry, ceramics, educational materials, ethnohistory, ethnoarchaeology, geo-archaeology, and a fabulous list of links to museum Web pages.

Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Home Page

Focuses on Mediterranean and classical archaeology, but also provides access to all sorts of archaeological links, including articles, journals, projects, exhibits, images, related academics, museums, geographic information, other Internet resources, and more. An excellent resource.

GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, France

Sums up most of the major modern technological techniques for excavating and sensing underground.

Gopher and WWW Servers

Describes what you can find on Web servers dedicated to archaeology. Offers links to historical societies, archaeology sites, museums, architectural preservation sites, gophers, FAQs, and servers.

The Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology

Presents exhibits online that include mummies and other artifacts. Offers the chance to see the relics of old or take a Web tour of Egypt.

Leptiminus Archaeological Project

Represents a cooperative effort between the University of Michigan and the Institute National du Patrimoine of Tunisia. Provides information about the fieldwork conducted from 1990–1993, as well as images of the site.

Newstead Project

Focuses on the archeological exploration of settlements surrounding a Roman fort, called Trimontium, in southern Scotland.

The Ohio State University Excavations at Isthmia

Covers the excavations at The Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia (Greece). Examines the work and describes several points of interest in the area.

Oriental Institute Archaeology

Covers many ongoing excavations and other archaeological projects by the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago. Offers links to many different projects.


The Old World Archaeology Newsletter (OWAN) covers the conferences, research, and publications concerning archaeology. Includes editorials and announcements.

European History

Armenian Research Center Home Page

Provides Armenian culture and history, as well as information on the Armenian genocide. Offers a link to the Society for Armenian Studies.

Berlin Wall Falls Project

Presents the collaborative Web project, the "Berlin Wall Falls: Perspectives from 5 Years Down the Road." Involves students and researchers around the globe.

Europe/Russia/Eastern Europe

An enormous series of links to sites connected to European history, from ancient days to modern times. A great starting place for more specific searches.

Germany—Database of German Nobility

Targets historians and geneologians. Focuses on the family tree of Charlemagne, but also features a database of biographies and portraits of German nobility.

The Historical Text Archive

Award-winning site that contains links to East and West European history topics. Historical information, images, and documents relating to many countries, including Estonia, Iceland, France, the Netherlands, and more.

History Pages

Focuses on Celtic history. Plans to add pages on Saxon and Frankish history. Provides information on the Celts, including maps and links to other Celtic sites.

Hungarian Images and Historical Background

Richly detailed summaries of the salient points of Hungarian history. Features images of coats of arms, crown jewels, maps, and more.

Irish Potato Famine

Images and contemporary reports and interviews about the Irish Potato famine (1845-1851) and related Web sites.

Irish History on the Web

A vast number of links relating to Irish history. Features information on many historical and contemporary topics, including an "This week in Irish History" page.

REESWeb: Russian and East European Studies

A massive collection of links to historic and contemporary information about Russia and Eastern Europe. Anything from maps of the former Soviet Union to the home page of Bucharest can be found here.

Russian Information

A good starting point for Russian history on the Web. Features a chronology of Russian history, an illustrated history of Russia and the USSR, links to Mikhail Gorbachev's home page, and more.

Soviet Archives: Entrance Room

Provides the Library of Congress Soviet Exhibit, divided into two categories: The Internal Workings of the Soviet System and the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Victorian Web

An expansive collection of information on 19th century British culture, with documents, links, and images.

Historical Figures

Abraham Lincoln Online

Documents, images, speeches and links to other sites relating to Abraham Lincoln. A great source of information about the great emancipator.

Educational Sources for George Washington

Many documents on the first American President, George Washington. Discusses his life history, myths about George Washington, anecdotes, and excerpts from his journal.

Empires Beyond the Great Wall: The Heritage of Genghis Khan

A virtual exhibit of the great khan's artifacts, period clothing and armor, pottery, documents, and a biography of Genghis Khan.

Fair Play

Online magazine. Focuses on giving Lee Harvey Oswald a fair shake. Presents articles concerning various views on the JFK assassination.

JFK Resources Online

A page devoted to JFK. Includes his inaugural address, memories of those who knew him, selected quotes, samples of his humor, photos and sound bites. Also covers information about President Kennedy's assassination. Has many links to other pages, mostly devoted to the assassination controversy.

Leonardo da Vinci Museum

Sketches, paintings, drawings and information about the life and times of this Renaissance genius. Offers additional links

Thomas Jefferson

Graphics, a biography, documents, and related links about the sage of Monticello, the third president of the United States and primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson.

Twisted Freaks of History

A page devoted to the famously weird and their weird ideas. Well-written and entertaining, with graphics and loads of information. The featured freak changes every six to eight weeks.

Medieval Studies

What a long, strange trip it's been.

Grateful Dead

Avalon: Arthurian Heaven

The place to be if you're interest in both the historical and mythical King Arthur. Many links to other sites, including one that features the Monty Python "Holy Grail" script.

Articles on Medieval/Renaissance Subjects

A page devoted to articles concerning the Renaissance. A storehouse of Renaissance-related articles. Part of a Web site which also contains period texts and manuscripts. Links to other sites, maps, and images.

Byzantium: The Byzantine Studies Page

A gateway to the numerous (and constantly growing) sites dedicated to the history, culture, and art of the Eastern Roman Empire. While western Europe struggled through the dark ages, civilization was alive and well in Byzantium.

Labyrinth WWW Home Page

Provides complete information about medieval studies on the Web. Also provides search capabilities.

Vikings Home Page

Provides topics on Viking cults, the Vikings of Russia, and Vikings of today. Also features a Swedish-Viking-English dictionary and offer links to other Viking-related Web servers.

WWW Medieval Resources

Offers links to different resources relating to medieval times.

Military History

Salvation of Bulgarian Jews during WW II

Provides an archive of material regarding the rescue of Bulgarian Jews during World War II. Offers links to various documents and other sites pertaining to the Holocaust and related Jewish topics. Also provides a short bibliography.

Cold War Hot Links

Films, images, documents and links concerning the cold war, including formerly classified documents, information on McCarthy, period speeches, and much more.

Cybrary of the Holocaust

Provides information on the Holocaust. Offers details on the rise of Nazism in Germany and its subsequent effects on the Jews. Includes pictures, eyewitness descriptions of concentration camps, and historical perspectives.


Provides Army and Navy news reels, past issues of the Stars & Stripes newspaper, famous speeches from the National Archives, and a collection of maps and battle plans from the Center for Military History.

George Rarey's Journals of the 379th Fighter Squadron

Provides the journal of a young cartoonist who was drafted into the Army Air Corps in World War II. Documents his various drawings throughout the war. Provides images and accompanying text.

Gulf War Photo Gallery

Presents a Gulf War photo gallery, compiled by Ronald A. Hoskinson. Displays images taken primarily from the personal collection of Norman Jarvis. Offers a few links to other Gulf War sites.

Korean War Project

Photos, maps, casualty lists and historical documents, all related to the Korean War. Numerous links to related sites.

Military History

A good access of links through many of the world's most famous (infamous?) wars. Find links to the Hundred Year's War, the French Revolution, or even the Persian Gulf War. If you're looking for military history, this is the place to start.

Operation Desert Storm Debriefing Book

Provides information concerning military and political aspects of the Gulf War. Includes backgrounds on politicians, descriptions of military hardware, statistics, and links to other Gulf War sites.

Remembering Nagasaki

Observes the 50th anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Includes photographs taken by Yosuki Yamahata of Nagasaki the day after, which create a backdrop for discussion and reflection on issues concerning the atomic age. Lets you share your views and read those of others.

Salzburg 1945–1955: Introduction

Presents Austrians and American G.I.'s sharing remembrances of the "Era of Occupation" of Salzburg, Austria, subsequent to the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. Includes links to images and text interviews.

Vietnam Veterans Home Page

Focuses on Vietnam veterans from both sides of the conflict. Provides a forum for exchange of information, stories, poems, songs, art, pictures, and experiences.

Worlds of Late Antiquity

A home page devoted to Late Roman and early medieval information. No images, but many interesting documents.

World War I (1914-1918)

A page dedicated to World War I, featuring links to many Great War subjects: propaganda, aerial combat, trench warfare, the Versailles treaty, lost poets, and more.

World War II on the Web

A long list of links to sites concerning the second world war, including art, photos, documents, information for memorabilia collectors, access to films, and much else.

Miscellaneous Historical Sites

ADFA History: History on the Internet

A gargantuan series of links to historical sites, with photos, documents and multimedia resources on virtually any historical subject.

Ari's Today Page

A great source of information for what happened today in history. Features birthdays of famous people, historical information and important calendar days for the Jewish and Muslim faiths as well as important US oriented dates.

BUBL Information Service Web Server

Offers links to various history sites on the Net. Includes many topics other than history. Contains links to Russian, Vietnam War, United States, French and Indian War, Viking, medieval, and Civil War historical sites.

Castles on the Web

Provides a collection of sites that offer information about and pictures of castles from around the world.


If you want information on gangsters, start here. Offers history, images, biographies of criminals and crime fighters, a bibliography of organized crime in print and on film, and links to related sites.

The Heritage Post Interactive

Tidbits of Canadian history and information about current Canada. Features documents and images.

The Historical Text Archive

Archives historical texts from various countries and periods. Includes a large collection from the United States. Offers many links to other historical resources.

History Computerization Project

Provides a database for libraries, historians, museums, libraries and more, dedicated to the exchange of historical information. Includes access to many other directories of interest.

The History of Costume by Braun

An online version of an old German book that features fashion through the ages, from Egypt to Russian folk dress of the late nineteenth century. Excellent graphics.

Index of /expo/

Provides an index to exhibits that include the Library of Congress's "Scrolls of the Dead Sea," "The 'Palace' of Diocletian at Split," and exhibits of paleontology, the Soviet Union, the Vatican and more. Offers a list of terms relating to Middle Eastern and classical terms. Includes downloadable JPEG and GIF files.

Intentional Communities

Seeks to be an inclusive title for information on eco-villages, co-housing, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, and other related projects.

Mary Rose Virtual Maritime Museum

Offers a fascinating look at a recovered Tudor-period warship that sank in 1545. Provides links to other sites featuring ships of old.


Includes history, geography, geology, astronomy, archaeology, anthropology and art forms related to the Americas before Christopher Columbus's discovery. Includes information on the Maya, Aztec, and American Indians.

The Maya Astronomy Page

Focuses on Mayan civilization. Presents the Mayan creation story. Provides information about Mayan astronomy, mathematics, and their calendar. Offers links to other Mayan sites.

Media History, Studies, and Education

A large number of links to history as recorded by film and other media. Many interesting sites, from the Documentary Educational Resources to the National Public Broadcasting Archives, scholarly works on Chinese Cinema, the D-Day News Reels Archive, and more.


Presents a look at Mithraism, a religion of the pre-Christian Roman Empire, for those interested in the roots of Western religion.


Provides around 600 images of holdings of the Vatican museums. Also offers links to hundreds of images of the Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Stanze. Includes writings of John Paul II, access to News from the Holy SEE, and more.

The Museum Professional

Serves as a starting point for accessing online resources in the museum field. Includes links to museum Web site lists, virtual museums, and specialization resources. Has a new forum for people in the museum field to share information.

The National Inventors Hall of Fame

Biographies, images, and inventions of famous inventors. Additional information on virtual exhibits and information on B.F. Goodrich's Collegiate Inventor's Program. An interesting stop.

Native American Cultural Resources on the Internet

A massive series of links to Native American sites. A good source of related history, documents, and current information.

Papyrology Home Page

Provides access to papyrology collections world-wide, literature from and concerning the collections, and images of papyri including fragments from the Book of the Dead.

Paris Museums

Contains images and information for more than 20 museums in Paris, including the Louvre, Centre Pompidou, L'Orangerie, Auguste Rodin, and la Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie.


The page for swashbucklers and rogues, featuring facts, myths, and legends about piracy, the history of piracy, famous people, places and images connected to pirates.

Romarch List Home Page

Provides a "crossroads for Web resources on the art and archaeology of Italy and the Roman provinces, from ca. 1000 B.C. to A.D. 600." Offers many links to sites that contain images of Roman art and architecture.


A site dedicated to helping find and identify the lost city of Shikhin in Israel. Presents the story of Shikhin, known for its pottery in its day, with text, pictures, and maps.

Shore Line Trolley Museum

Exhibits the Shore Line Trolley museum of East Haven, CT. Provides information about museum operations, including hours and directions, as well as a tour of some streetcars in Shore Line's collection.

Voice of the Shuttle Home Page

A Web page devoted to the study of humanities, offering many links to humanities topics: archaeology, anthropology, architecture, art, general humanities, history, linguistics, literature, minority studies, philosophy, religious studies, women's studies, and more.

Science & Technology

The Art of Renaissance Science

Photos, sound, animation, and documents tell the history of astronomy, anatomy, architecture, and art of the Renaissance, as narrated by Professor Joseph Dauben.

History of Astronomy

Focuses on the history of astronomy and in general, on science. Contains links to biographies of important people, images from observatories around the world and other archives, museums, and astronomy exhibits on the Net.

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Keeps track of information facilities in the field of the history of science, technology, and medicine. Also offers links to organizations, biographies, institutions, museums, and electronic journals.

History of Space Exploration

Provides information on the history of space exploration. Includes images of spacecraft and planets.

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